Wednesday 29 May 2013

I'm finally an Intern!

(Haha I'm so in love this pic!)

It's my 8th day at work and I had a lot of fun today. Although most of the time I spent on doing content population, which is basically building the database for our company's website and boring in its true sense, it feels not so bad after all doing boring stuffs together with my crazy/hyper/hilarious colleagues. Forgive me if I am being too obscure about the name of the company that I am working for, for the sake of keeping it confidential. Nevertheless, I don't mind telling you about my job as well as what my company does, because it is totally awesome.

We are working on an online platform for collectors where they can easily catalog and showcase their collections as well as explore what other people with the same interests are collecting. We hope our website will become a one-stop platform for collectors worldwide, where they can always turn to to express their burning passion (for toys, shoes, comics,... or just simply anything, the list goes on). 

(If you are very curious about this, this picture can give you some subtle hint about my company. Feel free to check it out! hahaa)

Enough said about the company, now it's about me. I work as a Marketing/Content Strategist Intern and my job is quite flexible and interesting. I get to know a lot about brand marketing, social media marketing as well as how to understand user behaviors. On top of that, I am assigned hands-on writing and designing tasks which I believe will help me improve my skills significantly. I also get to learn how to use Google Analytics to track our user behaviors, create a Facebook ad and use other tools to manage our fan base on various social networking sites. I also become more well-verse in using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google +, Tumblr, Reddit and so on. Because of this, I started to look out for relevant content such as articles or blog posts written by well-known experts in social media marketing and I was truly inspired by them. I guess this is one of the field that I am passionate about and might want to be in as a professional when I graduate. Yet, now is still too early to confirm anything. I shall let time do the job, for we never know what lies ahead of us in the future. 

Let it be, they say.
Let me be, I say.

Still, I guess one of the best knowledge to bring along as I get out from any internship is that whether or not this is the job for me. Figuring out what I want to be or what I want to do in the future is still certainly the most valuable takeaway. 

#Life #Intern #Be Me #29/5/2013


Tuesday 28 May 2013

Youth, Success and the Mini Skirt

In an international conference, there was a successful young lady in her 20s that impressed everyone with her never-ending list of outstanding achievements. She took great pride in her career successes, which never fail to bring her status, wealth, and respects from many others.

"Have you ever gone to a club, wearing a mini-skirt and doing crazy things with your friends in the last 20 years?", out of a sudden, a professor in the conference asked. 

Surprised and unprepared, the young lady answered: "No, I haven't. I was too busy with my career to do all of this."

The professor smiled and spoke gently: "Don't worry, I'm not going to blame you for that. But you know what, there are certain things that you can only do when you are young. I have been wearing long pants for the last 80 years and there is nothing wrong with that. But think about it, will you still wear a mini-skirt, go to a club and kiss a random guy when you are 80 years old?...

Once youth and beauty leave you, they are gone for eternity. So after this, maybe you will want to spend some time enjoying life and do crazy things when you are still young, won't you?" 

Monday 13 May 2013

6 things that I learn in my 20

1) Try not to be a commitment-freak
Anybody knows that going to college is something extremely exciting. When you are about to enter university, you are possibly enticed to join a whole bunch of CCAs, Orientation Camps, interest groups, hall activities or something seemingly more prestigious - your school's student union. However, don't be a fool and over-commit yourself in too many activities. That is an indirect way to kill yourself as you will surely find yourself limping through the semester.

2)You might be crazily interested in hundreds of things/clubs that your school offers, but always remember to prioritize

Consider which one will add more value to your personal development, build up your social network, get you off your chair to exercise or just simply make you enjoy yourself doing it and then commit to it. Never promise to join those activities that you clearly know that you will not be able to (or just don't want to) invest your precious time in it. There are only 24 hours per day and you are absolutely not superman/woman in its true sense plus the fact that human's most basic need nowadays is surfing internet (considering facebook/youtube as your best of friends), you would rather spend your time getting enough sleep to sustain your life than participate in your CCAs. Trust me.

3) Opportunities, experiences and knowledge are out there.
Lots of them. Just have faith and keep looking if you haven't got what you want. As long as you have tried your best, gathered as much help as possible from seniors, friends, teachers, tutors and had patience in your journey of self-development, opportunities will come to you. If you are longing for a good internship for summer and things didn't happen the way you have expected, keep applying.

4) You will never be able to survive college if your main sources of energy are from instant noodles and Milo. 
I admit that they taste freaking awesome if you eat them once in a while, but instant noodles, while cheap, cannot replace one's daily diet. If you don't want to be fainted due to low blood sugar during the day, remember to eat properly. Fast food and late-night suppers are inevitable, but think twice before you decide to go or not. Your health as well as your pocket money will soon approach an alarming state long before you  know it. Be careful also if you spontaneously decide to "purify" yourself by temporarily adopting a vegetarian diet while in school. Without a proper dieting guidelines, you will never be able to cope with school work as well as those CCAs that you have promised to yourself that you will die die commit to them.

5) Although moving in with your gf,bf during college is one's own choice of lifestyle, I personally think that it is stupid.
Temporarily moving with your boyfriend in is totally fine. But girls, please always have a backup plan. Never give up your independence (in this case is probably your room, your personal computer, your facebook password, your personal ideologies, even your virginity or whatever thing that makes you feel confident of yourself) as you move in with your boyfriend. Things change. People change. Relationships change. Faith and trust in your other half might not be eternal. You guys might agree to go steady, but steady doesn't mean forever. So do not risk giving in everything belongs to you in a relationship, no matter how much you love the other person.

6) Friends come and go. 
Do not waste your time for those that always look down on you behind your back. That's where they are meant to be - behind you. It takes time and sleepless nights to figure out who are the friends that you have to get rid of before they drag you to their own abyss.  They make you feel bad about yourself and inject their toxic ideas into your brain with a hope that you will someday fail like them. You will have to struggle and suffer a lot from their meanness before you come to realization. But that's when you are freed from these people. Knowing when to let go and eliminate a toxic person from your life is an important skill that anyone has to learn in life. However, this doesn't mean that we should not have faith and trust in those around us, it just means that people are hard to understand and we need to have doubts to simply protect ourselves.      

Thursday 9 May 2013


My childhood dream comes true today. I still remember the excitement I felt when I was about to see it. Just a little more time, a few more steps, I would be able to witness what I have always dreamed of as a child. Yup, if you are curious about what I am rambling about, here is the thing: 

Yeah right! S.E.A Aquarium Resort World Sentosa - Also known as the world's largest aquarium!

I guess everything Singapore has is either the best, the largest, the highest, etc because people are super kiasu here haha! (FYI: kiasu means "A fear of losing used to describe a person who is overly competitive; afraid to lose" according to wikidictionary lol :)

I'm still very very excited about it even though I have spent like 5 hours wandering around the aquarium for like 3 full rounds. I have to confess that I am neither a fish-lover nor a water-sports person, but I love watching fish for no sound reason. Documentaries about marine life never fails to amuse me since I was a child. 

However, despite the fact that watching fishes move around in a giant fish tank is a huge pleasure for me, I am afraid of touching fishes. I hate the feeling of swimming among the fishes, that's why I never dare to go diving or trying out any kind of water sports. You may think that this is ridiculous, but people do come up with paradoxical reasons and fears that they simple cannot explain. Putting that aside, I did not have to dive with the fishes today (or simple don't have enough money and skills to do that haha :D) and I refused to touch any fish at open fish tanks like this one:


And there is a huge Open Ocean Dome that makes me feel like I was entering a magical world that only belongs to my imagination. I spent around 20 minutes just to sit in front of this giant fish tank and silently witness these marine creatures in awe. The beauty was speechless. 
Sometimes I wonder whether these awesome fishes ever look down on us - human beings - while we are busy beholding their presence. Instead of the fact that they are putting on a show to entertain us, we might be seen as a bunch of minions to these arrogant creatures. People have to feed these fishes, care for their needs and health to keep them alive in this giant artificial tank so that the aquarium gets its profits. So who is the one that has the bargaining power now, the fishes or the humans? Just my mundane 2 cents of thoughts. 

Oh man... I wish I can just pay for the admission to the giant fish tank instead of having to buy the full tickets for the other worthless attractions. Sigh :-<

However, chilling in front of this giant fish tank sipping a cup of hot milk tea and leaning against the shoulder of this famous boyfriend is still freaking cool. Yup I will S.E.A you again soon if I need a quick getaway from school works and stresses, provided that I have enough money to pay for this again. Haha :))

My trip today to SEA Aquarium was a very fulfilling one :) 

(Credit of all these pictures belong to the owners. Exception: the last one is mine haha)

Wednesday 8 May 2013

I have graduated....halfway!

Yes! This is it. The end of my second year in NUS. I have to admit that it is such a great relief getting rid of school works and exams and taking some time-offs for myself. I can spend as much time as I want watching movie, reading books, surfing facebook/ pinterest/ 9gag, painting my nails or lying on my bed doing nothing with cucumber slices all over my face while eating an apple and posing for a photo like this...
without worrying about the fact that there is only 24 hours in one day to complete everything in my to-do-list.  
Yes! I smell FREEDOM. Liberation here I come.

2 days after my exams ended, here I am writing a blog just to stave off my boredom - the common withdrawal symptom of all human beings after school ends. There is one burning question that has been constantly bugging me for the whole day: What to do now? So I decided to start a blog. I think I will just keep this blog personal for my own reflection and satisfaction. As you have seen, it's all about myself, my trivial pursuits, the little things that happened in my (not-so) boring life. Haha. So if you don't mind hearing me ramble on and on about whatever thing came into my life, welcome to my blog :) 

Good news of the day: NUS is announced the best performing university in Asia in the 2013 QS World University Rankings by Subject as well as the world's eighth best university! Communications and New Media Department in NUS (my major lol) ranks 4th in the world! Woot!

(I wonder whether these rankings are real. Haha. But I'm still proud of NUS though. NUS is becoming more and more prestigious as well as my degree, I guess. Cheers!)
Find out more here: if you don't believe it.

One bonus picture for today:
Yay! I have graduated...halfway! Hahaa. This handsome fresh graduate/boyfriend has just signed his first job offer today. All the best for your future my dear. Love you so much <3